Friday, January 20, 2012


1. Why did you want to take this class?
It's part of my major. I'm majoring in Computer Graphics.

2. What type of past computer experiences do you have?
 I've been doing graphic design since I was about 13 years old. I work with Corel Paint Shop pro and Photoshop. I run a website (official fansite) for a model/actress for almost two years now.

3. Who is your favorite artist?
 Lady Gaga

4. Do you have a favorite logo or brand? Why?

5. Tell me an interesting story about yourself?
I was originally going to go to school for Dental Assistant than decided before it's to late to switch my major to Computer Graphics. It's something I enjoy doing and I wouldn't consider it work if I enjoy it.

6. What kind of computer access do you have outside of class?
PC at home.

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