Friday, April 27, 2012

Luchagor Gear

Luchagor Gear is a place for all your pro-wrestling gear needs. We provide trunks,tights, masks, outfits for women, boots, and gloves. Not only do we provide the above, but we also make custom designs to meet your needs. Luchagor Gear is not just another wrestling gear company, we take pride in what we do. We have passion for the wrestling industry which is why you can't go wrong with us. Luchagor Gear is a friendly and loving family that will do our best to make your experience special.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Response: 10 handwritten logo designs

In this article they show 10 different handwritten logo designs from Disney to Ford. I picked this topic because it caught my eye, I've always enjoyed cursive / writing in general.

Having a logo that's handwritten adds a few things to the logo. Handwritten logos makes it unique, nobody will ever have a logo like a hand made logo. It gives the brand a personal touch like the article says. I enjoy originality and having a handwritten logo is very original.

Response: A Makeover for the Starbucks Mermaid

In this article they explain that over the years Starbucks logo has changed and how it will change in the coming years. I personally enjoy their old 1992 logo over the rest. I think the black and green go well together and it's recognizable.

I enjoy logos that will catch my eye and once I get the hang of a logo, I stick to that logo. I don't like change, but that just depends who you're. Some people like change, but myself I think sticking to an original logo is a better choice. When you see someone drinking a starbucks coffee in 2041 nobody will know that it stands for Starbucks. A green dot is simply a green dot and I find that boring / unrecognizable for Starbucks.

I also believe the logo should contain their brand name which is another reason why I prefer the 1992 logo.